What and Which Metal can be Weld through Exothermic Welding Powder ?
The process of exothermic Weld is a method of making electrical connections from Copper to Copper or Copper to Steel and it can join any Metals to Metals like Bronze, Galvanized metals and Stainless steel etc , in which no outside source of heat or power is required.
What are the Accessories Requires for Exothermic Weld Joints ?
What are the Accessories Requires for Exothermic Weld Joints ?
1) Graphite Mould
2) Exothermic Weld Powder
3) Steel Disc
4) Ignite Powder / Starting Powder
5) Cleaning Brush Set (Soft, Hard and File Card Brush)
6) Flame Torch
7) Mould Handle
8) Hand Gloves
9) Flint Gun
10) Sealing Compound
For More Details of how this Accessories are been used, kindly visit our web page of Exothermic Weld Accessories
What is the Process for Exothermic Weld OR How the Metal is Weld by Exothermic Weld?
In Exothermic Weld Process, the following are the steps
Step 1 - The two conductors that is to be joined are placed in the Weld cavity and than the steel disc is located in the base of the crucible in the Graphite Mould.
Step 2 - After the disc is placed in the Mould, Exothermic Welding Powder Material is poured down into Graphite Mould followed by Starting Powder
Step 3 - Some Ignite Powder should also be sparkled on the Mouth of Mould and than ignited by Flint Gun.
The process of igniting the particles creates extremely high heat i.e upto 2000 degree Celcius and produces Exothermic Reaction which also melts the Steel Disc and then the Exothermic Weld Powder flows into the Weld cavity thus filling any available space and completes the Weld. In Weld cavity the molten copper alloy partially melts the conductors. The molten copper alloy gets cooled and forms a fusion Weld which solidify before it is removed from the mould.
This entire process takes only upto 10 to 15 seconds to complete. Then the mould is ready for the next Weld after a brief cleaning with a brush. Exothermic Welded connections produce a permanent connection, superior in performance to any known mechanical or pressure type surface-to-surface contact connector. Due to the fact that the connection produced is a molecular bond so an exothermic Welded connection will not loosen and there will be increase in resistance over the lifetime of the installation.
The Process is very Simple and hence a Laymen can do the Job Work by just seeing the process once. Hence one need to ensure that the process should be undertaken carefully and proper instruction should be maintained by the Laymen. For more details please visit our page of Exothermic Weld Process
Exothermic weld is a process that achieves the molecular binding among two or more metallic conductors by a chemical reaction. This molecular binding improves mechanical, electrical and anti-corrosion properties compared with any mechanical connection. exothermic weld is the best way to make permanent, reliable and high conductivity connections for any installation requiring an earthing system.
What are the Advantages or Features of Weld done from Exothermic Welding Powder?
Molecular bonding of Copper to Copper and other metals can be made
Ensure excellent conductivity in the electrical grounding
Exothermic Weld Joint ensures permanent molecular bond
Longer life span
Not required any external power or heat source required
Safe operation, without professional technology knowledge, easy to learn
Very simple tools and equipment that results in execution of high efficiency
Will not deteriorate with age and will never loosen or corrode etc
Exothermic Weldings - Application
It is ideal for the following application:
Earthing joints,
Strip joints,
Solid wire joints,
Rod joints,
Cable joints,
Lug connections,
Cable and Rail joints,
Hence this Exothermic Welding Powder is used in Grounding & bonding and lightning protection in Power plants , Substations , Transmission line , Refinery , Industrial plant , Commercial plants , Telecommunication tower , Building , Housing etc.
Type of Joints possible from Exothermic Weld:
1) Horizontal Joints
2) Vertical Joints
3) Straight Joints
4) Cross Joints
5) Overlap Joints
6) L shape Joints
7) T shape Joints
According to the customers specification and requirement any shape Joints is Possible through our innovative design of Graphite Moulds.